Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Amazing Pub Race!

The what now?
You read correctly, The Amazing Pub Race. This is an event that was organised a few times back in Australia, and while the summer's about I want to run it here too.

If you've heard of and like the Amazing Race, then you're going to love the Amazing Pub Race.

The race is run in teams of two from a known starting point, proceeding from pub to pub, stopping at various checkpoints and completing numerous challenges along the way. You only know where you're going next once you reach a given checkpoint. Basically it’s a day of running around the place drunk and having fun.

Your organisers
Jacob Lucas and Teresa Batten. If you have any questions you should contact either of us.

This is a fantastic idea! When is it?!
As of now, the race is slotted in to be run on Saturday September 9th, start times and location to be announced.

What are the rules?

  • You have to get around on foot or by public transport. No designated drivers, taxis, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, or any other kind of transport are allowed.

  • Yes, this means hitchiking isn't allowed either ;)

  • Drinks must be proved, if you can't prove it, it doesn't count.

  • Drinks must be FINISHED - no dregs!

  • A pint of beer or stronger-than-normal shot / drink doesn't equal 2 standard drinks. We consider this ways of getting more drunk if you want to.

  • Teams cannot separate. All drinks and challenges must be completed as a team.

  • No pissing in public.

  • All drinks and challenges in each leg of the race must be completed in that leg of the race before proceeding onto the next.

  • How you complete a task is up to you, but you must follow all of the above rules.

  • Breaking of any of these rules gets your team disqualified and infinite ridicule.

  • The winner is the first team across the line with all drinks and challenges completed.


Teams consist of 2 people and will be posted here as they sign up.

Random Questions

  • Who can sign up?

    Anyone! Tell all your friends. The list here will be the definite list of teams. We'll be capping the race at 20 teams.

  • How do I sign up?

    Email the organisers, it's that simple.

  • Do I have to drink?

    To be eligible to win, yes. But you can complete the race for fun if you want to.

  • How much drinking am I expected to do?

    As a general rule this is about 2 drinks per pub. The total is about 13 drinks for guys, and a few less for girls, but this will be spread over the whole race, with much running around to sober you up. You should be ok.

  • What do I need to bring?

    As a minimum: A backpack, lots of water, a mobile phone, a notepad and pen, a camera of sorts, sunscreen and a hat if it's sunny, and your bus pass. Your team will need these items over the course of the race.

  • How do I know what pubs I need to go to?

    You find out once you reach each checkpoint. We'll give you a list of pubs to go to and challenges to complete.

  • What constitues a drink?

    A drink is considered a middy of beer, or one standard shot of >30% alcohol. This includes scotches, bourbons, tequilas, and things like that. Midori, Baileys, and other "mixer" alcohols aren't allowed as there's not enough alcohol in them.

  • What Do I Wear?

    Comfortable clothes. Make sure that you will be able to get into the various pubs in these clothes. We recommend sneakers because you may be doing some walking/running.

  • I'm weak and can't complete the race. What do I do?

    Phone ahead and forfeit, meet us at the finish line so we can all point and laugh.

  • My teammate has had too much and can't keep going, can we continue?

    Yes, you can drink for your teammate to support him/her and continue on the race - it's a team effort to win!

More information will be posted here in due course, but sign up now!

*** DISCLAIMER: Your own drunkenness is your own fault. Not ours :-) Anything you do to hurt yourself or others is not our responsibility!


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